Outreach can mean different things to different people. Simply put, outreach is a process of generating buzz and creating awareness within specific communities about the issue that you are addressing in the film. A life of a documentary film is no longer just limited to film festivals and TV broadcasts. A film that addresses an important social issue has the power to ignite debates and bring about changes by engaging in an effective audience engagement campaign.

Our outreach strategy’s objective is to make people in India understand the enormity of the problem that child trafficking is and to create enough pressure on the government to create stronger laws and legislations which act as a deterrent for traffickers.  We see child labour all around us. In neighbourhood shops, in restaurants, in factories and sometimes even at our own homes. But it is so ingrained in our system and our psyche that we don’t find anything wrong with it. Modern Day Slavery is one of the most acute problems that our world is facing. In India, the trafficking rackets continue to become more organised and expand into newer forms of trafficking. The reason is that the law does not act as a deterrent. The only way for the trafficking of young kids to stop is to address both the demand and supply side. Our major ambition with outreach campaign is to educate the demand side – people who hire these kids at home; factory and restaurant owners who hire young boys; and families who hire young girls as housekeepers. At the same time it is our ambition to educate each and every tribal family who send away their kids about the perils of trafficking. And lastly with the help of activists, brings about strong laws that tighten the noose around the neck of traffickers.